The Astro Connection
Astrology Made Simple

When Stars Align
Discovering Your Destiny Written in the Stars
Hello Cosmic Crew & Welcome to The Astro Connection (TAC)!
I'm Ara, also known as Dee - DVortex. My journey is deeply intertwined with the stars, reflecting the destiny written in my celestial chart from the start. Interestingly, my given name 'Ara' holds diverse meanings across cultures: in Maori, it means "path or road"; in Nigerian, it symbolizes "unity or family bond"; and in Latin, it translates to "The Altar," tied to the constellation "The Heavenly Altar." This connects to mythology where Zeus and siblings sought victory over Titans, strengthening family bonds. Like the Ara constellation, my life has been marked by sacrifices that paved the path to forming meaningful bonds, fulfilling my life purpose for unity and happiness.
My astrological chart reveals something fascinating—my rising sign at 15 degrees Scorpio intersects precisely where Ara meets Scorpio and Sagittarius. Astrology connects these cosmic dots, outlining our paths. From my birth chart revelations, my role involves using experiences and sacrifices to lead myself and others in overcoming life's challenges. As a Personal Sovereignty Mentor and Financial Astrology Instructor, I empower individuals to discover significant Astrological Connections aligning with their life's purpose. My mission is to help people tap into their intuition and strength for financial and personal sovereignty, manifesting a life of abundance.
At TAC, we believe in each person's untapped potential in personal empowerment, prosperity, and fulfillment. Rooted in astrology's principles and esoteric aspects, our mission is to empower financial sovereignty and personal satisfaction by illuminating paths to their greatest potential. As conscious creators and mentors, we guide with responsibility and honor, providing tools and insights for lives filled with abundance, purpose, and fulfillment.
Join me on this enlightening journey to unlock your true potential and explore financial astrology's profound secrets.
Best Cosmic Wishes,
Imagine Your Life With More…
Discover your astrological life path and navigate it with clarity and confidence.
Find guidance and supportive connection with a community of like-minded people.
Align with the astrology cycles and transform your life in amazing ways. ​
Learn from knowledgable instructors and gain insight into how use Astrology to level up.
Leverage the power of cosmic and financial cycles to achieve ultimate sovereignty.
Sync with universal law and rhythms to live a harmonious life.